Zephyrs Athletics
Whitehall High School
Announcements and Important Events
Posted 8.0 years ago @ 1:00PM
Click Here to download the PIAA CIPPE forms used for your pre-participation physicals. If you've filled out the FamilyID registration, you must only complete Sections 5 and 6. All other sections, you've already answered on FamilyID.
Sections 1-4 are done online through the Family ID portal. You do not need to print and turn these in.
Section 5. Health History (needed for your physical)
Section 6. Physician Document (need for your physical)
Section 7. Recertification Form (if you've played a sport previously THIS school year)
Section 8. Physicial Recertification (if you've played a sport previously, your physician may clear you)
Spanish version of Sections 1 through 5.
All athletes need a physical on file prior to participation.
Physicals must be completed after June 1, 2023 and on file in the Athletic office prior to your first practice.